These are the Community Guidelines while playing at ARK Survivalism

Administrative Action will be applied when:

  • Any form of Duping / cheating / exploiting is detected.
  • this includes Building in the mesh / using dinos in the mesh.
  • Using any hack that makes a base unraidable
  • Using Offline Raid Protection to protect online players.
  • Personal attacks/insults/remarks toward players are seen anywhere in the community.
  • Misuse of the F5 in-game Feedback Reporting feature. Do not make any false reports or spam lies about your enemys.
  • Giving any false reporting to admins, this includes lying to admins, wasting admins time with misinformation or trying to manipulate administrative actions.

Discord & Chat Rules:

  • Heated talk is allowed in ARK game chat only. This includes generic name-calling (non racial / sexual) and adult language. However Personal attacks/insults/remarks will not be tolerated.
  • Do not bring heated gameplay into other discord channels, NAME CALLING IS NOT ALLOWED in any other discord channels besides ARK in-game chat. This includes DMs / Private messages to players who share our discord server.
  • Failing to use F5 in-game feedback to Report an accusation of anyone that's cheating. Do not use other communication channels to report people that you 'think' are cheating.

*Administrative actions may include getting Kicked, Muted, or banned without warning.

Game Rules:

There are no rules that shall govern your gameplay.